Brittany, our son Jeremiah, and I are so honored to have been welcomed by all of you at CCD. When we arrived, it had only been a few months into the pandemic, and we all thought it would end soon. We weren’t worshipping in person. I hadn’t moved into an office. I met many of you for the first time over the phone or via Zoom. But we did connect and have deep meaningful conversations. I heard stories about your hopes and fears, and I’ve shared many of mine. Brittany and I were blessed by your kindness and generosity when we got married. Holidays and birthdays were never missed. Your commitment to serving our community in the name of justice and education and love is a powerful drive that permeates everything you do. I am truly grateful to have been a part of that!

It’s not lost on me that Covid affected the way my tenure at CCD started-and now it will affect the way it ends. Brittany and I are in quarantine as our son contracted COVID-19, so this Sunday, I will not be able to preach and say final goodbyes. However, I will still be around and if the Lord wills, I’ll see you at our Diocesan Celebration of Absalom Jones that CCD is hosting this year!

Again, thank you from the depths of our hearts for your love and support not just of my family, but of me as a new priest. Your great patience, sense of humor, and willingness to teach as well as learn, was a profound blessing to me spiritually and vocationally. And more importantly, thank you Pastor Emily for trusting me to lead and for being such a great example for me to follow. It was gratifying to be on a team of great clergy colleagues with Emily, Chip, and David. Whatever God leads you do next as a congregation, may God bless it! I love you all


Christ Church Detroit