Pastoral Care

People to Pray for as of March 28th

If you are in need of one of the following ministries, or if you are interested in participating in one, please speak with Rev. Emily, or email the office.

Elder Interview Project

Our Lay Eucharistic Visitors have heard remarkable stories from our senior parishioners. Videographer Jamin Townsley captured some of these memories which include the elders’ relationship to the church and the importance of faith in their lives. For more information, contact Kathryn Treece at

Lay Eucharistic Visitors

Eucharistic Visitors are lay parishioners who, once licensed, are able to take communion to homebound church members. Particular training for this ministry is offered by our priest and other licensed LEVs. Eucharistic Visitors must also have completed the “Safeguarding God’s People” class through the diocese.

Lay Healing Ministers

As Jesus commanded his disciples both to preach the Good News and also to heal the sick, we are called to do the same. Each second Sunday of the month, healing prayer is offered at both services at Christ Church. During the Eucharist, anyone may come forward to the side chapel to request healing prayer in mind, body, and spirit for themselves or for others. This ministry is offered by lay persons who have been called to, and trained for, this important mission.

Prayer Requests

As a Christian community, we pray for those who are in need. Each Sunday, the Prayers of the People include the names of persons who are ill or grieving among us, and it is our custom at Christ Church to chant these names as a community. For this option (and other options) for prayer for yourself, a friend, or loved one, please click here. Please note, if you would like to add someone other than yourself, we ask that you secure their permission to add their name to the prayer list.

Prayer Request Box

At the atrium entrance, there is a Prayer Request Box to receive written requests for prayer. They will be prayed for on Tuesday by the Centering Prayer group, and then burned. All requests are kept confidential.

Prayer Shawl and Lap Robe Ministry

A hand-knitted prayer shawl or lap robe may be selected, blessed, and given to one who is ill or undergoing medical treatment. It’s a tangible sign that our faith community is holding them in love and prayer. For more information (including If you knit or crochet and would like to join this ministry), please contact the office at

How to Make a Prayer Shawl


Clergy and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are involved in the visitation and pastoral care of those who need prayer and support. Parishioners are asked to keep the church office updated on members who have been admitted to metropolitan hospitals and other care centers so that clergy can arrange visits and take the Holy Eucharist to those who request it.

Christ Church Detroit