Children & Youth Education
Welcome to Christ Church Detroit’s Youth & Family Ministries!
The 2024-2025 Program Year begins on Sunday, September 8th!

Nursery (infant through preschool)
It is very important to us to provide nursery care for our very youngest parishioners each Sunday morning. The nursery is staffed by wonderful young adults, and is open from 9:30-11:45 a.m. on Sundays. The nursery is stocked with toys, crafts, picture books, and baby gear, and includes a display screen for the worship service livestream, so all can follow along.

Godly Play (ages 3-12)
Godly Play is a Montessori-based curriculum inspired by children’s innate sense of the presence of God. Its multi-year approach helps children of all ages (and their adults!) to grow deeply in knowledge and creativity, explore faith through story and wonder, and gain language of the Christian scripture and traditions. Godly Play sessions follow the flow of the Eucharist, with children crossing the threshold into sacred space, engaging scripture in the form of open-ended, multi-sensory stories, exploring the meaning of story in their own lives, sharing a feast, and receiving blessing, before being dismissed across the threshold again. Preparations for our Godly Play room began in 2023, and it opened in January 2024, growing week to week and building upon decades of high-quality spiritual formation for our younger parishioners.

Rite 13 (ages 11-14)
Rite 13 begins the journey for students from childhood to adulthood. The two-year program for middle-school and age youth celebrates the individuality of each young person and their creative potential. Youth explore who they are, who God is, and how to work and grow together with God in the world, respecting the dignity of every human being. With parallels to the Jewish bar/bat mitzvah, Rite 13 culminates in a rite of passage.
J2A (ages 14-17)
Journey to Adulthood, orJ2A, provides a safe, rich setting for teens to develop into citizens of the church, city, and world. Adult mentors help youth build skills and critical thinking involved in adulthood, using Bible study, outreach, and other activities to underscore two guiding principles: 1) identity and creative potential are free gifts from God, and 2) adulthood must be earned. This 2-3 year curriculum invites youth to reflect theologically about themselves, society, and spirituality, and helps them build a strong sense of community. The culmination of their learning together is to plan for and go on a spiritual journey. A local weekend trip becomes practice for a week-long, international pilgrimage. The youth hold several fundraising events throughout the year in preparation.

Youth Choir
What better way to begin the day than with music! On Sundays, the formation hour begins with music with Ms. Katrina from 9:30-9:45 a.m. Children & youth of all ages join enthusiastically in song and movement. The Youth Choir then present their songs in the 10:30 a.m. service several times each year. The children & youth also lead the annual Christmas pageant, presented at the 5:00 p.m. Family Eucharist on Christmas Eve. There are roles for all, from infants through college graduates, and brief rehearsals take place throughout November and December.

Acolyte Program
All children and youth are invited to assist throughout the year in Sunday worship as participants in our excellent Acolyte Program, which contributes beauty to our liturgy and gives the participants the opportunity for direct involvement in the rituals of worship. Young people serve our congregation as Crucifer, Gospel Server, Torch Bearer, Ribbon Bearer, and Children’s Bell Ringer.
The newly refurbished Children’s Bell is a unique opportunity not only to engage all children of the parish, but more importantly to give them a tangible connection to the generations of Sunday Schoolers who have preceded them, and serve as a reminder of the importance children have in the ongoing life of our parish.
And all your children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be the peace of your children. (Isaiah 54:13)

Family Services
A “Family Service” is when our young people “take over” and serve in every capacity during the liturgy. They greet parishioners as they enter the church, read the Scriptures and Prayers of the People, usher for the Offertory and Communion, and bring up the gifts of bread, wine, tithes, and in-kind donations to social service agencies such as Crossroads.

Special Activities and Traditions: All are invited to join us!
Many other activities and gatherings supplement the regular class schedule. Hosted by the Sunday School, the entire parish is invited to participate in these events. They include the Blessing of the Animals, a Halloween party, the Christmas Pageant, a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, the making of palm crosses, the Easter lily procession, the Easter Egg Hunt, and picnics at the beginning and end of the school year. All of these special traditions strengthen and enrich the lives of not only our youngest members, but everyone at Christ Church.
Faith formation programs follow the school year, meeting from September through June.
On Sundays, Youth Choir meets from 9:30-9:45 a.m., and Godly Play follows at 9:45 a.m.
Rite 13 and J2A are on hiatus in Spring 2024 and will resume in Fall 2024.
Please contact Rev. Emily or the Office for more information about how to get involved, or meeting from simply drop in on Sundays! We’re eager to welcome you.