Outdoor Worship Wishlist

We all know that in Michigan, it’s completely plausible to experience all four seasons in a single day. But we want to be able to extend our opportunities for Outdoor Worship as long as we can, so we’ve put together a short list of things that will help us...

Beata Viscera – Music Notes

Music Notes, provided by Dr. Edward Maki-Schramm, Director of Music Beata Viscera (Blessed Offspring) is a Marian piece intended for the Communion section of the Mass. The text is used at all times in the Roman rite (except during Advent) as the Communion motet of the...

Re-Entry Survey Results

Dear Friends, We want to thank all of you who took time to take the survey a couple weeks ago about your thoughts and feelings about our worship life at this point in the pandemic. In order to reach as many active members as possible, we sent invitations via the...
Christ Church Detroit